Land Rover 70 years a Cortina Dayafter

L’appuntamento è alla Jaguar Land Rover Lounge, nel centro di Cortina D’Ampezzo. L’occasione? Festeggiare i 70 anni della nascita dello storico brand inglese insieme ai dealer italiani. Noi siamo ospiti della EnglandStar, concessionaria di Roma, presente con il direttore vendite Marcello Pellegrini a bordo di una Discovery 2.0 SD4 240 CV HSE.

Arriviamo il 31 agosto all’ora dell’aperitivo, ci registriamo e, accompagnati dal dj set e dal prosecco, ci godiamo tutta la calda ospitalità Land Rover e la bella rassegna fotografica dell’avventuroso Land Rover Experience Tour, organizzato per scoprire il Perù più autentico.
Il giorno dopo ci incontriamo di nuovo nella Lounge. All’esterno possiamo toccare con mano i due antipodi della storia della Land Rover: la capostipite Series I (di cui sono esposti due rari esemplari, uno del 1949 con guida a sinistra e un altro allestito come Fire Engine) e la Range Rover Sport ibrida plug-in, appena rinnovata. Tra di loro corrono settanta anni di tecnologia, capacità off road, versatilità e design. Non manca, va detto, la I-Pace, la prima Jaguar completamente elettrica.
Daniele Maver, presidente di Jaguar Land Rover Italia, riassume la storia della casa e presenta i quattro Ambassador italiani di Land Rover, presenti per l’occasione ciascuno a bordo della propria Land Rover: Rossella Brescia, ballerina e conduttrice televisiva e radiofonica; Andrea Lo Cicero, ex rugbysta e ora conduttore televisivo; Giulia Martinengo Marquet, amazzone di salto ostacoli di levatura internazionale; Danilo Callegari, esploratore ed esperto di sport estremi.

Poi Salvatore Scarfò, responsabile di Land Rover Experience, il “braccio operativo” del brand, ci spiega il programma della giornata e ci dà istruzioni su come affrontare al meglio il percorso off road che ci porterà sul Monte Faloria, a quota 2.300 metri, predisposto grazie alla grande abilità organizzativa che contraddistingue l’Experience e, va detto, con non pochi sforzi. Quindi, dopo le foto di rito, si parte: la carovana, composta rigorosamente da 70 Land Rover di tutti i modelli, vecchi e nuovi, inclusa la mitica e amatissima Defender, grazie a dei permessi speciali percorre le strade di manutenzione delle piste da sci (e alcuni tratti delle piste stesse) per raggiungere la meta. Nonostante il maltempo le Dolomiti ci regalano atmosfere suggestive, ed è sempre sorprendente vedere un’auto lussuosa come la Range Rover Velar arrampicarsi con disinvoltura sugli sterrati infangati. Sono tante le soste per immortalare i momenti più belli della giornata. L’ultima è la più spettacolare: su un pianoro quasi in cima al Faloria la carovana viene parcheggiata a formare un grande numero 70, per una foto di gruppo memorabile. Molte foto le vedete qui, altre le vedrete pubblicate nel prossimo numero di Quattroxquattro XEvolution, in edicola i primi di ottobre.

La pausa pranzo presso il Rifugio Faloria è un altro momento piacevole vissuto in compagnia di vecchi e nuovi amici. Caffè? Sì, grazie. Questo piccolo tour organizzato in maniera impeccabile prosegue ora con delle divertenti prove di abilità: un percorso di trial, uno slalom da affrontare con delle palline da tennis poste sul cofano, da non far cadere, e un altro percorso a ostacoli che i guidatori devono affrontare bendati, seguendo le indicazioni date a voce dal navigatore. Qui il nostro Marcello, che è un grande appassionato (praticante) di fuoristrada, non ha lesinato sul gas!

Verso le 18.30 facciamo ritorno alla Lounge per le premiazioni e l’aperitivo di chiusura. I saluti finali ci ricordano che ci saranno altri appuntamenti in location fantastiche come questa di Cortina, perché a quanto pare Land Rover, come una bambina di 70 anni, non ha alcuna intenzione di fermare i festeggiamenti.


Land Rover 70 years in Cortina
The appointment is at the Jaguar Land Rover Lounge, in the center of Cortina D’Ampezzo. The occasion? Celebrate the 70th anniversary of the birth of the historic British Brand together with Italian dealers. We are guests of the EnglandStar, dealer in Rome, present with the Sales Director Marcello Pellegrini driving a Discovery 2.0 SD4 240 HP HSE.
Land Rover 70 years
We arrive on August 31st at aperitif time, we register and, accompanied by the DJ set and prosecco, we enjoy all the warm hospitality of Land Rover and the beautiful photographic review of the adventurous Land Rover Experience Tour, organized to discover the more authentic Perù.
The next day we meet again in the Lounge. Outside we can touch with our hand the two antipodes of Land Rover History: the progenitor Series I (two rare examples of which are shown, one from 1949 with a left-hand drive and another set up as a Fire Engine) and the Range Rover Sport hybrid plug-in, just renewed. There are seventy years of technology, off-road skills, versatility and design between them. It must be said that the I-Pace, the first fully electric Jaguar is not missing of course.
A 70 year old girl (Land Rover 70 years in Cortina) The appointment is at the Jaguar Land Rover Lounge, in the center of Cortina D'Ampezzo. The occasion? Celebrate the 70th anniversary of the birth of the historic British Brand together with Italian dealers. We are guests of the EnglandStar, dealer in Rome, present with the Sales Director Marcello Pellegrini driving a Discovery 2.0 SD4 240 HP HSE. We arrive on August 31st at aperitif time, we register and, accompanied by the DJ set and prosecco, we enjoy all the warm hospitality of Land Rover and the beautiful photographic review of the adventurous Land Rover Experience Tour, organized to discover the more authentic Perù. The next day we meet again in the Lounge. Outside we can touch with our hand the two antipodes of Land Rover History: the progenitor Series I (two rare examples of which are shown, one from 1949 with a left-hand drive and another set up as a Fire Engine) and the Range Rover Sport hybrid plug-in, just renewed. There are seventy years of technology, off-road skills, versatility and design between them. It must be said that the I-Pace, the first fully electric Jaguar is not missing of course. Daniele Maver, Jaguar Land Rover Italia President, summarizes the history of the Company and presents the four Italian ambassadors of Land Rover, present for the occasion each on his own Land Rover: Rossella Brescia, dancer and TV and radio presenter; Andrea Lo Cicero, ex-rugby player and now television presenter; Giulia Martinengo Marquet, an international horsewoman expert in obstacle jumping; Danilo Callegari, explorer and expert in extreme sports. Salvatore Scarfò, head of Land Rover Experience, the "operating arm" of the brand, explains the program of the day and gives us instructions on how to best tackle the off road route that will take us to Mount Faloria, at an altitude of 2,300 meters, prepared thanks to the great organizational skills that distinguish the Experience and, it must be said, with many efforts. After the usual photos, we start: the caravan, composed strictly of 70 Land Rover of all models, old and new, including the legendary and beloved Defender, thanks to special permits we have covered the maintenance roads of the ski slopes (and some sections of the ski slopes themselves) to reach the goal. Despite the bad weather the Dolomites give us suggestive atmospheres, and it is always surprising to see a car like the Range Rover Velar to climb easily on muddy dirt roads. We had many stops to capture the best moments of the day. The last one is the most spectacular: on a plateau near the top of the Faloria the caravan is parked to form a large number 70, for a memorable group photo. You can see many photos here, others will be published in the next issue of Quattroxquattro XEvolution, on sale at the beginning of October. The lunch break at Rifugio Faloria is another pleasant moment lived with old and new friends. Coffee? Yes please. This impeccably organized small tour continues now with funny skill tests: a trial track, a slalom to be faced with the tennis balls placed on the hood of the car, to keep from falling, and another obstacle course that the drivers have to face blindfolded, following the directions given by the navigator. Here our Marcello, who is a great off-road enthusiast (practicing), has not skimped on the gas! At about 6.30 pm we returned to the Lounge for the awards and the closing cocktail. The final greetings remind us that there will be other events in fantastic locations like this one in Cortina, because Land Rover, like a 70 year old girl, has no intention of stopping the festivities.Daniele Maver, Jaguar Land Rover Italia President, summarizes the history of the Company and presents the four Italian Ambassadors of Land Rover, present for the occasion each on his own Land Rover: Rossella Brescia, dancer and TV and radio presenter; Andrea Lo Cicero, ex-rugby player and now television presenter; Giulia Martinengo Marquet, an international horsewoman expert in obstacle jumping; Danilo Callegari, explorer and expert in extreme sports.
Salvatore Scarfò, head of Land Rover Experience, the “operating arm” of the brand, explains the program of the day and gives us instructions on how to best tackle the off road route that will take us to Mount Faloria, at an altitude of 2,300 meters, prepared thanks to the great organizational skills that distinguish the Experience and, it must be said, with many efforts. After the usual photos, we start: the caravan, composed strictly of 70 Land Rover of all models, old and new, including the legendary and beloved Defender, thanks to special permits we have covered the maintenance roads of the ski slopes (and some sections of the ski slopes  themselves) to reach the goal. Despite the bad weather the Dolomites give us suggestive atmospheres, and it is always surprising to see a car like the Range Rover Velar to climb easily on muddy dirt roads. We had many stops to capture the best moments of the day. The last one is the most spectacular: on a plateau near the top of the Faloria the caravan is parked to form a large number 70, for a memorable group photo. You can see many photos here, others will be published in the next issue of Quattroxquattro XEvolution, on sale at the beginning of October.
The lunch break at Rifugio Faloria is another pleasant moment lived with old and new friends. Coffee? Yes please. This impeccably organized small tour continues now with funny skill tests: a trial track, a slalom to be faced with the tennis balls placed on the hood of the car, to keep from falling, and another obstacle course that the drivers have to face blindfolded, following the directions given by the navigator. Here our Marcello, who is a great off-road enthusiast (practicing), has not skimped on the gas!
At about 6.30 pm we returned to the Lounge for the awards and the closing cocktail. The final greetings remind us that there will be other events in fantastic locations like this one in Cortina, because Land Rover, like a 70 year old girl, has no intention of stopping the festivities.

Gianluca Vittori Giornalista

Francesco Fatichenti Giornalista





Foto di:

©Matteo Marinelli

©Scilla Nascimbene

Foto Drone:

©Registro Italiano Land Rover

Ringraziamenti Extra per collaborazione foto:


Francesco Sarubbo e Stefano Principi

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